
Galatians: justification by faith

Reviews: A beautiful study of Apostle Paul’s teaching to the Gentiles and Jews and his clear message about the doctrines of the church. He wrote the epistle himself in the early days of his teaching and mission. This is a great book to read and learn Apostle Paul’s teaching and his strong advice that "Keeping the Law " and " Faith in Christ are two different teachings. I received this book for free and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, J Sharmani, Bookbub, 5 out of 5 stars. Paul the Apostle wrote this epistle in the early days of his mission and teaching. He wanted to teach the fundamental beliefs of the church to the Gentile and the Jews. This book is a great study of the Apostle Paul’s teachings and avoids any confusion to the believers. I am on the ARC team and I leave an honest review. I recommend this book to other readers, J Sharmani, Goodreads, 5 out of 5 stars Foreword Archbishop Ng Moon Hing Anglican Archbishop of Southeast Asia The Epistle to the Galatians is commonly considered as one of the earliest foundational instructions of Christian faith. It was believed that Apostle Paul wrote this epistle at the early days of his missionary ministry. He was adamant to teach proper foundation of faith, especially amid heretical teachings by the Judaizers. After some years of laying the foundation of faith in the district of Galatia, he quickly realized that many so-called believers are straying away from the fundamental belief i.e. Justification by Grace through Faith. Apostle Paul was required to draw out all his convictions and learnings to re-convince the Galatian Christians what he has taught when he was first with them. He was conscious of the Judaizers and the fleshy and worldly syncretic teachings which were indoctrinating and causing confusion to the believers. He laid a strong contrast between the 'keeping of the law' and the 'faith in Christ' as two opposing ends.

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Galatians: justification by faith

A book by Dr. Andrew C S Koh

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